Arcady is staffed and operated entirely by students and volunteers. It has no full time administrative staff. It receives no government funding at any level and does not fall under the protective umbrella of any arts organization or institution. It charges no membership fees and provides training costs free of charge to its members and students who have met the audition criteria. By not charging any membership fees, Arcady provides opportunities to all young people. Therefore, it must turn to the corporate and private sector for support.
- Tax receipts will be issued for all contributions.
- Supporters of over $500 will receive Arcady CD recordings, concert tickets, and special promotion opportunities.
- All sponsors will appear on the Arcady website
Arcady is a registered not-for-profit organization. Donations of any amount are welcome and a charitable tax receipt will be promptly issued for all contributions. Several different levels of sponsorship are available. In addition, all donors will be acknowledged on our website as well as in our printed season program.
Sponsors ($10,000+)
- RBC Emerging Artist Project
- TD Ready Commitment
- Audrey S. Hellyer Charitable Foundation
Sponsors ($5,000+)
- Samuel W. Stedman Foundation
- City of Brantford
- Brant Community Foundation
Sponsors ($1,000+)
- City of Brantford through the Brant Community Foundation
- SOCAN Foundation
- Heather Cumine, Toronto
- G. Douglas Vallee Limited, Simcoe
- Roger and Edith Davis Foundation, Burford
Sponsors ($250-$999)
- Ronald Beckett, Brantford
- Tiina Price, Cambridge
- W. Michael Wiebe, Langton
- Frank C. Eigler, Brantford
- Linda Stripe, Brantford
- Anca Gaston, Brantford
- John Walker, Lynedoch
- Ontario Arts Foundation
Sponsors ($90-$249)
- Fr. Geoffrey Korz, Hamilton
- Karen Odegaard, Brant
- Eva Salter, Fonthill
- Linda Bonadeo-Boll, Simcoe
- Brian & Andrea Keuning, Ancaster
- Patrick Trottier, Brantford
- Anita & Shawn Beal, Brantford
- Joyce & Peter David, Brantford
- William & Penny Baxter, Brantford
- Anonymous
Sponsors (-$89)
- George Pond, Waterford
- Linda Roland, Toronto
- Cheryl Hotte, Brantford
- Jannet Packham, Brantford
Friends of Arcady
Moira Ainsworth, Penny Baxter, Linda Bodkin, Byron Buxton, Wilma Duncan, Eric Eigler, Stuart Eigler, Heather Fleming, Eli Gabbay, Mihaela Gaston, Marta Gimon, Joseph Glaser, Cheryl Hotte, Wanda & Darren Heimbecker, Juimiin Hong, Deb McLoughlin, Shawn Oakes, Christine Seebeck, Claire Senko, Paul & Pauline Shaver, Carolyn Stratford, Kate Vander Meer, Katie Walshaw